Cindy Louisette Johnson - Writer & Illustrator

EMERGENCE, the author's
illustrated memoire, is now available!
Through her personal art, poetry and journalism, author-artist Cindy Louisette Johnson takes us with her from imprisoned childhood, through post-traumatic awakening and self-discovery, into the joy of breaking free.
This is often an aching story. Hard to read at times, harder to imagine. But with Cindy’s personal courage and unfailing faith, she breaks out of the bondage of her past, struggles with her long-buried memories, comes to terms with her scathing reality, and emerges strong, free and whole. She examples how the light of love can come out of the darkness of tragedy. With this book, Cindy Louisette Johnson invites you to experience her journey of EMERGENCE.
2020 Next Generation Indie Book Awards

Best Cover Design (Non-Fiction)
Best Overall Design (Non-Fiction)
Inspirational (Non-Fiction)

From the Book

An Excerpt:
My mind needed to explore a self-portrait in collage form. Browsing through magazines and pictures already on file, I began a five-hour task of cutting, pasting, and piecing together the story of my life - totally absorbed, unable to stop until it was finished.

The impact of seeing what I knew to be true at a cognitive level was almost shocking to me in a visual or pictorial dimension. It had a profound effect in the emotional realm, carrying a much more poignant message than words ever could.
Standing back in amazement, observing that the essence of my life – all its pain, subversive control, soul imprisonment, hope, and heavenly aid - was able to be captured with a few torn out pictures, it dawned on me that divine intervention in this process was most certainly present. The schematic I had created rendered a gut wrenching ”great sadness” that had always been lurking in the background of my life, but it also depicted a blessed hope and ever-present help and comfort.
What They're Saying
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EMERGENCE is softcover, 118 pages.
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Sales tax applies to Missouri residents only.
PRICE: $24.00 each
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Contact the Author
If you have a question about Emergence, are interested in purchasing a larger number of books, or want to schedule Cindy for a speaking engagement, please contact us!